Every Day and Every Night My Heart Is Singing!! Since the time I can remember, my heart has been filled!! Yes, with Love, and with Song, and with the Love of Song!!Â
This was created in a workshop with Laura Rose, a great vocal coach, during one of her immersions that I continued. Singers, Vocalist, Songwriters, Musicians and anyone with an interest in Music, Let’s Keep it Going!!
Everyday and Every Night I Wake, My Heart is Singing
I’ve been feeling that way on and off, for well, too long now. So, what’s up with that? Or, I should say, what was up with that? I can say now, alot, a whole lot! Yeeeet, I wasn’t allowing myself to even express that. It just felt, that way. So, pressure upon pressure, release, reprieve, pressure. It was kind of like a loop. Now, any of you that know me, know, I pride myself on being very able, and getting through it, and always looking on the bright side, I still do, and I am still an optimist, and – There comes a time to say WHEN. The When can build up until it goes backwards. Ya know what I mean? So, no that’s not cool. When is When, so I had to ask myself, When? Is When, not when it builds up to a What? So, that being said; and this has nothing to do with the New Year, it has more to do with planetary alignment, and Divine Forces, and The Universe, The Gods and Goddesses, and The Great Creator, and The Force and God, and Guardian Angels and Guides, and how you would like to divine it, or Define It (not looking for an argument, just saying, we are all creatures of Light). Sometimes things come together, and When is when it all is, since time to me, Is an Illusion, so what and I waiting for in the when? I asked myself. Then I saw Mars tonight and it looked like the top if it was, well red. So, I don’t know if that’s because all the planets are doing they’re thing and since we’re in the Universe, we are affected, and will need to be maybe, doing, our thing. 🙂
So, I went out just now and something through the trees caught my eye. Was it a planet or a plane? It wasn’t moving. It was Mars, big as day, with a little red something or another on top. Go take a look. I got out my Birthday Binocular Telescopes (Yes, it’s hard to believe I’ve been 60 for four months aleady), and yeah, it’s pretty impressive. So back to my “When” and “What?” moment. With everything converging, no, I don’t really have a moment to lose. That is, I know I’m not a happy camper when I’m not sharing and connecting, and investing in and contributing the way I’d like to, and not showing up, so with all my past and present Guides, Mentors, The Divine, The Great Creator, The Goddess, the all of everything who have been with me in support of my dreams and goals and just life. My When showed up big time today. So Hello everyone. I can only say. Please go do yourself a favor and take it from me, go on and be you! The world is waiting for you and better than that, needs you!!
So, now I’m going to do a little experiment. I’m going to re-write what I wrote just above, with some changes. Guess what kind of changes I made? I was reminded about this. So anyhow, I removed the negative talk.
Here’s the new version. Check out the older version below that which includes the negative self talk. Fascinating! I edited this info. so it’s easier to read, and to illustrate how eliminating negative self talk in writing (and in my mind) makes a huge difference! PS I’ve also received lots of support around this from my Mentors, Guides and especially groups I participate in like, “Your Year of Miracles” with Marci Shimoff and others, as well as Lisa Nichols work, “Abundant Life Online.”
So, I’m speaking of self devotional self talk. To get to the point, i.e., the latest download, I’m going to take that information and take out all the negative information. I’m making a promise to myself that I will post this, no matter what. :()
I’ve been feeling that way. What was up with that? It just felt, that way. Now, I just accept it. I pride myself on being able, -getting through it, -looking on the bright side, do – and – There comes a time to say WHEN. The When can build up until it goes backwards. So, no that’s not cool. When is When, so I had to ask myself, When? Is When, not when it builds up to a What? So, that being said; and this has nothing to do with the New Year, it has to do with you and you’re decision. When you decide. Though we see where that goes. So what is it that will make you decide? What’s bigger than that? There has to be? So what is it? Name that. Now ask yourself why can’t that be yours? You? You know it’s the truth. The when, “When comes when you decide, it’s ‘When.’ Nothing else is gonna move that mountain. So you ask yourself, “What are you waiting for.” And you say, “Self, you’re waiting on something so let’s have at it.” And so you say. “It’s nothing really, absolutely nothing.” Say it again. Nothing, Absolutely Nothing.” Now here is what I was going to take out, though on second thought – -more to do with planetary alignment, and Divine Forces, and The Universe, The Gods and Goddesses, and The Great Creator, and The Force and God, and Guardian Angels and Guides, and how you would like to Divine it, or Define It. We are all creatures of Light. Things come together, and When is when it all is, since time Is an Illusion, so what am I waiting for in the when? I asked myself. Then I saw Mars tonight and it looked like the top of it was, well red. So, I don’t know if that’s because all the planets are doing their thing and since we’re in the Universe, we are affected, and need to be doing, our thing. 🙂
So, I went out just now and something through the trees caught my eye. Was it a planet or a plane? It wasn’t moving. It was Mars, big as day, with a little red something or another on top. Go take a look. I got out my Birthday Binocular Telescopes (Yes, it’s hard to believe I’ve been 60 for four months aleady). So back to my “When” and “What moment.” Moments to be happy, sharing, connecting, contributing, showing up, with the support of my Guides, Mentors, The Divine, The Creator, The Goddess, The Gods and God, and with You! My When showed up big time today. So Hello everyone. I can only say, please be you! The world is waitin’ for you, and needs you!!
Now, take a look below at all that wordiness, and self-doubt seeping in. I am always amazed by things like this. Now revisiting this post, it also most especially hits home. Like watching old videos of yourself when learning to make videos. I’m going to need to be posting those embarrassing moments too. That also has to do with my When is When? Imperfectly perfect is what I have to remember.
So, I realize, I’m speaking and there’s a lot of self devotional self talk, and it taking me too long to get to the point, and also the latest download – downloa information, so I decide, I’m going to take that same information I wrote above, and take out all the negative information.I don’t know what’s gonna happen. Though I’m making a promise to myself and my Guides, that I will post this, no matter what. :()
I’ve been feeling that way on and off, for well, too long now. So, what’s up with that? Or, I should say, what was up with that? I can say now, alot, a whole lot! Yeeeet, I wasn’t allowing myself to even express that. It just felt, that way. So, pressure upon pressure, release, reprieve, pressure. It was kind of like a loop. Now, any of you that know me, know, I pride myself on being very able, and getting through it, and always looking on the bright side, I still do, and I am still an optimist, and – There comes a time to say WHEN. The When can build up until it goes backwards. Ya know what I mean? So, no that’s not cool. When is When, so I had to ask myself, When? Is When, not when it builds up to a What? So, that being said; and this has nothing to do with the New Year, it has to do with you and you’re decision. When you decide. Though we see where that goes. So what is it that will make you decide? What’s bigger than that? There has to be? So what is it? Name that. Now ask yourself why can’t that be yours? You? You know it’s the truth. The when, “When comes when you decide, it’s ‘When.’ Nothing else is gonna move that mountain. So you ask yourself, “What are you waiting for.” And you say, “Self, you’re waiting on something so let’s have at it.” And so you say. “It’s nothing really, absolutely nothing.” Say it again. Nothing, Absolutely Nothing.” Now here is what I was going to take out, though on second thought – -more to do with planetary alignment, and Divine Forces, and The Universe, The Gods and Goddesses, and The Great Creator, and The Force and God, and Guardian Angels and Guides, and how you would like to Divine it, or Define It (not looking for an argument, just saying, we are all creatures of Light). Sometimes things come together, and When is when it all is, since time to me, Is an Illusion, so what and I waiting for in the when? I asked myself. Then I saw Mars tonight and it looked like the top of it was, well red. So, I don’t know if that’s because all the planets are doing they’re thing and since we’re in the Universe, we are affected, and will need to be maybe, doing, our thing. 🙂
So, I went out just now and something through the trees caught my eye. Was it a planet or a plane? It wasn’t moving. It was Mars, big as day, with a little red something or another on top. Go take a look. I got out my Birthday Binocular Telescopes (Yes, it’s hard to believe I’ve been 60 for four months aleady), and yeah, it’s pretty impressive. So back to my “When” and “What?” moment. With everything converging, no, I don’t really have a moment to lose. That is, I know I’m not a happy camper when I’m not sharing and connecting, and investing in and contributing the way I’d like to, and not showing up, so with all my past and present Guides, Mentors, The Divine, The Creator, The Goddess, The Gods and God. (I added this, I just could not help it). Whoops, I did it again! My When showed up big time today. So Hello everyone. I can only say. Please go do yourself a favor and take it from me, go on and be you! The world is waiting for you and better than that, needs you!!
Talk soon!
Peace, Love & Well Wishes
Did you know, you Moon sign can tell you more about your true personality?
So it’s September 13, 2024, a day before my 60th birthday. We moved to a new neighborhood in California, and so I needed to update my government issued real ID card, mainly so I could make sure I could vote. So, I went online as I understood, wow, that’s cool, this whole thing can be completed online. I was excited, a little nervous, mostly excited. I filled out the information and waited a couple of weeks (day after day, with anxiety, waiting for it to show up) and no go. It didn’t arrive, nor did any notification that it’s on the way. So I went back to the site, navigated to some more and low and behold discovered that, the first part of the process was completed. However, there was a second begin your application online, part, then a you must, GO TO THE DMV TO FINISH THE REST OF THE APPLICATION, and GET YOUR NEW CARD. Even though, I had already filled out the application and it was complete, there was another application to fill out while at the DMV, and there is a FEE, $39.00. Okay, so, getting to the light!
Okay, so I complete the procedures, pay and now I’m ready to, wait for it yes, you’ll take a new photo. It may be because I was updating my address, though opted to renew it (the representative said I may want to renew now since it the same cost as updating). So, hint, be ready anyway for a picture, I wasn’t really. So I take the photo, and the representative said, “Oh, that didn’t come out” and looked up at the lights on the ceiling, she said, “It came out too bright, there’s too much light!” I looked up at the ceiling too, and we both knew the lights were dim, and didn’t create whatever happened. It was funny and we laughed. She said, okay, let’s do this again. We did and after a couple of clicks, she said “Okay, I got you.”
So, too much Light. We are electricity, we carry that light in us, everywhere we go. It’s always there. Whether you feel it or not, see it or not, believe it or not. You are Light, We are Light. It was such a wonderful reminder, that I really needed that day, and I couldn’t wait to share it with you!
Happy March 1st! What a day that has already arrived, and I really can’t believe it! 3/1/24 – These numbers added together is a 10! Or a 1. Super Significant is all I have to say about that :).Â
So, on February 4, 2024, another fabulous day, 2/4/24 – I looked out my front door, and up, and saw this beautiful rainbow surrounding the sun! It was breezy, and magnificent. It reminded me of how fortunate we are to be able to look outside, see the sun, see beautiful trees, feel the breeze, and for that moment, know fully how connected you are, by your senses alone. This is always available to us. Always a part of us. It’s easy to forget, though I’ve been taking moments to remember. Thank you Robbie Lee Burda, of the Trailblazer’s Tribe and quite a few other great Guides and Mentors.
So, I wanted to share with you this magical moment, that you can hold in your heart too, at anytime and maybe even wander a bit outdoors whenever you can, without extra thoughts or expectations hanging over you.
I so often forget that I can begin again. Start where I am…! The beginning of this lovely Pinterest post “Start Where You Are…was found on Motivational Quotes, Best Quotes, you may find also by clicking on this link: – How easy it is to forget. The other way of saying this that I have used quite often is Begin Again!
If you’re anything like me, I often think I’ve got to learn more, figure something else out, then do. Not so. Sometimes we can begin, with what we have, and just do what we can, when we can! That’s it!
I also cannot take complete credit for understanding this more simply than yesteryear. Age has something to do with it too! 😀
This piece is called “Butterfly Turtle.” Check out the portfolio section for more details. If you have additional questions, email me at lolita@sacredspacesbydesign.com.
My first love of photography was learning about how we went about taking photos from a historical perspective. I was fascinated by the first use of flash, how a cover was used to create a “dark room” and how another device, when pressed activated the flash, that was connected to a cord.
I was fascinated by black and white photos, how the the aperture’s creation simulated the function of the eye, how reflective light, and upside down imagery when it comes out and reflected back is kind of backwards or something, and perception. I was also intrigued by the multi-dimensionality of things, seen and unseen captured in it’s relation to spirituality, soul work and freedom.
First I read about it in Encyclopedia Britannica, which I absolutely loved as a child. I could sit on the floor for hours and read. Then in high school, I took a photography course as an elective, along with psychology and art. I would add home economics but that wasn’t an option. I think everyone had to take that. Anyhow, then I learned of taking photos and the one of the first lessons was around contrast. I was intrigued. It just so happened that my family was going to the city that following weekend. And boy, did I have some amazing things to photograph. New York City, and it’s buildings. Nothing but contrast, every where you looked. So I snapped away. The kind of camera you put film in. Then we got to develop them with the teachers instruction.
So, when my pictures were developed, my teacher was ecstatic. He was elated. So pleased with the photos I took of contrast. So, I was happy, though not so excited. I mostly, and mostly entirely thought, well, there were so many options of contrast. In NYC you could not go wrong. My teacher was trying to explain to me that it was about the angles, the angles that I saw and took which made them wonderful. I could not believe that then. My self-esteem was so low, “it could not have been me, or anything I saw.” It was, the buildings themselves.
Fast forward a bit. People seemed to want me on the other side of the camera. I never liked the way I looked. I and still have this thought to this day, you never “really know what you look like, you can only see yourself, from yourself, what other people see is from their perspective.” Still I did some shoots, and was intrigued by the lighting, and different cameras and different lenses that could be used, and filters, and zooming, and contrast adjustments and models that captured the most true to life images.
Then I’d go to thrift stores mainly in the East Village where I lived and could not get enough of the antique cameras. I always wanted one, or two or three, though they were way too expensive. So I would get things I really wanted or needed, as a smoker back then, vintage ashtrays were my favorite, and glasses, and gloves, and superfab vintage clothing. Still, I never walked past the cameras without stopping.
Then events would happen and I never felt the urge to hold the camera, though I wanted to be holding a camera and take pictures. Before sell phones, you could carry a camera, but you could ending up looking like a tourist, and that could set you up for all kinds of stuff. Especially walking around alone. When I was with friends, it didn’t occur to me. Not until later, then I took so many pictures that I never got developed, that added up, that I made a commitment to get these film rolls developed before they aged and could not be developed. It was hundreds of dollars, back then, that was a lot. Back then I always had two jobs. So I printed a bunch of stuff. To this day, they are still in their enveloped paper containers, all whopped into a plastic bag. One day they will be converted to photo albums or so I thought. The only next thing I saw years later, (brilliant) were company’s devoted to turning your film rolled, developments, converted into digital format. Intriguing. Never did that either.
Fast forward into the internet, digital and cell phone error. Well now it’s on. My goodness. I’m a photo junkie and can’t get enough. So these are examples of some of the reality images captured in a moment using my various cell phone cameras, from flip phones, to BlackBerry to now Pixel. Yum, and Yum some more.
One day, I’ll get a real camera. Canon has always been my favorite, though I’m good for now. With grandbabies and everything, camera phones suit just absolutely fine. Maybe when their older, I get myself a Canon. Me and my husband could use it. He Loves photography too!
I did get a camera for my hubby. Of course I did not know what I was doing. Or, not of course, I really don’t like the words ‘Of course’ or ‘Obviously’ or ‘As you can see’ because I believe with all my heart, ‘…everything is relative’ and ‘everything depends on our perception,’ yours and mine, ‘so nothing is really obvious, nothing is really of course, and nothing is really as you can see, it all depends on your perspective.’ I know this because I’m dyslexic and pretty damn near blind, and I see the world the way I see the world, just like everyone else; based on my experiences, view, upbringing, influences, how the world has perceived me and what I’ve done about it, how I perceive myself, and what I’ve done about it, and what more I can do in this world to do things I feel are important, from my point of view. Just like you. So, back to the story; I gave my husband a professional camera as a gift, and turns out the magnification was, well, not so great. So, who knew. It’s like buying crystal (glasses) and you know nothing about the quality of crystal glasses (I have done that before), or diamonds and perfect diamonds, (which I pawned a pair of near perfect diamonds for nothing, because I was hungry and didn’t know any better), anyhow so, this camera, I think I will see about using it as a practice set to learn about how to use these types of cameras, just to learn, as it’s been sitting in it’s case for a long time now, and even though, the cameras we have on our phones are way better and not as heavy, and I’m not concerned anymore about looking like a tourist, I am comfortable just being a person who wants to take some photos with a real camera (believe me people, it’s taken me a while to get to that), so I’m pretty excited.
To all the Photography Newbies out there, just go ahead, get out there and do it!!Â
When I was in High School, we all had to go to the auditorium for a presentation about computers and the world of computers. I was afraid of anything having to do with computers. Computer Science, Fortran, all kinds of languages. I was interested in learning the language of people. I took Spanish and French. We sit before these two gentlemen, in cacky pants, white shirts, ties, and mop hair; short and super poofy on the top. Youngish, with a little bit of belly flopping over their belts. They didn’t look like they got out much. Geeks. I could relate.
One gentleman starts, he begins talking about the evolution of computers, a little bit of history; and starts getting excited about where we are “today.” What we are “moving to.” The other guy starts talking. “We are in the age…” He was pumped! Pu-Umped! “We are at the age now where we can…” “We will soon be able to…” If memory serves me, I think he was talking about the coming of the internet. He was on fire. The other guy chimed in. People started asking questions. It was interesting. I was concerned about people, and social interactions. As the conversation continued, my concerns for how technology could interrupt the social fabric of things, grew. Even though I was shy and the auditorium was huge, I slowly raised my hand to ask a question. I asked “How do you think computers will affect socialization?” No answer. They looked at each other. No answer. Then, one of them said, I think it was “fire guy,” well with all things there will be trial and error.
I went to typing class, my first class, where we used IBM’s brownish grey, electric typewriters. I enjoyed learning to type on that thing. I loved that little ball. I thought it was the most beautiful creation, ever. aaa bbb ccc ddd or aaa sss ddd fff ggg hhh jjj kkk lll mmm nnn ooo ppp qqq rrr or something like that (pretty sure it was next row, the finger stretch). I loved the way the keys made the sounds they made. I also loved the older models. The one’s with the long extended fingers, one could say they were akin to long legs. The way the ribbons were so smooth, like the hairs of a fine violin bow. The zing of the return, when you were really moving on something you were writing. Even the not so lovable white, what was that called? “White type?” “White Eraser?” “White Ink Remover?” Oh, “White Out.” That’s what it was called. It had a little white ink drop on a black label background. Little itty bitty thing. Priceless! Then came “White Ribbon.” Then, “White Tape.” Then, machines that could load black ribbon and white ribbon altogether. A motion like backspace allowed you to go back over a word to remove it. Then go back again, and retype it. Maybe it was something like, “Correcto-type.” I think that’s what we called it. It was cumbersome. Don’t try to get to fancy and use beige paper, or resume paper, it came out messy so, lot’s of re-do’s. Those balls though, they were magic. You could type and remove with a key stroke.
So computers. Hmmm. Then I got to college and used a standard typewriter for my papers. I loved my little bugger. Then, my boyfriend at the time started working for IBM. He got me one of those electric one’s. I was a junior by then, still it was awesome. I could justify. Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow, Wow.
By the time I reached graduate school in the late 80’s, I had purchased my first computer. It was a Compaq. It was MSDOS, 1’s and 0’s, and <: and Codes. Anything you wanted to do, you had to tell the computer to do it, in it’s language. So, I learned. It was, kinda magical. All’s you had to do really, was understand, you, have to tell it, what you, want it, to do, in it’s language. Whatever you didn’t know, you looked it up. Do not miss any symbols. This understanding would prepare me for later. I didn’t know it at the time.
Fast forward to disks and cd’s loaded with information. The whole encyclopedia could be viewed from a disk. My computer came with it. Something called Encarta I believe. Plus. There were templates for Newsletters, I created one for my family I thought I’d continue. Still a dream. It was endless really endless. Then came AOL. The internet. Another language in how to be digitally. What I loved the most was access to information I had normally found in books or in the library. Like, the world became, smaller. It was, kinda cool. In fact, very cool.
Then on to the computers that are closest to the ones we have now. Different types, styles, looks, something for everyone. Just had to pay attention to the size of your memory. That was when things really started to shift for me. So yes, the amount of information was endless, though you had to have the right amount of memory to hold the things you wanted, especially after everything started coming out, not on CD’s or disk, though internally on your system, or you could install it onto your system, without the use of the physical storage device. Yes, I skipped over the floppy disk error. How Gigantic and super thin they were, to how much smaller and flatter they became, and then the use of USB drives, or now we call them sticks. That was something and called for the understanding of the external hard drives. Then chips, and SanDisk, type apparatus to convert your varying sizes of memory to easily be read on your computer. Yeah, it had legs. The computer that is. So, I became aware of memory, need, heft, capacity in short. Then it just got over the top!
Fast forward again, and cell phones came out. Mini computers. Pocket computers. Pock sized dynamo’s with heft like a desktop. I had one desk top, then converted to laptops from then on out to current. I love the mobility.
Fast forward again, and well low and behold you could build your own website. Well guess who started doing that? I Loved it! It was like Newsletter Plus, plus, plus, plus and still going! I Love it so much I started building other people’s sites and getting paid to do it! Yeah, look who’s Loving it now? So, my Love and my Love for people and information has been expressed in the forms of many websites, I built for my peeps. Peeps like me,,,,,who have many interests, and want to share the Love with the world!
Next up, I’m seriously trying to get my head around AI. As Richard Branson says, (I’m paraphrasing) AI needs us. He is dyslexic and so am I, and so are a whole lot of other people who see the world differently (along with those of us that, “Got Thangs” “I got Thangs” to contend with, like -OCD – really it’s not fun, it used to take me 2 to 3 hours to leave the house before work in the morning argh; anxiety, low grade depression, stuff-ess) or, as the new DSM IV says, we need to view mental health issues on a continuum of dimensionality- there’s more of that in my social service training, kind of a plug, more about truth). So Richard Branson, check his dyslexia stuff and other stuff out, is convinced and I agree, that we need to help educate AI about things seen differently. I’ve come to adapt to the idea that, it is here, It Is Really Here, and It Is Not Going Anywhere, and to survive, we must adapt. So, I’m adapting.
I grew up thinking I was not an artist. Later I reversed that thinking and began a mantra, “Everyone’s an Artist.” What do I know? I know what it’s like to know nothing of a subject and then know something of a subject and then get too excited and start preaching about it. That was then too. Now, with more third eye, measured understanding, see from all sides, observe, do not judge, do you…let other do how they do, and so on, I realize we each get to decide. Yep. So. I’m an Artist. I have been afraid to say out loud, still, though I will borrow what one of my mentors said about me, “This is Lolita, she is a Multi-talented Creative.” Okay, I’ll take it. 🙂
I tried so hard to tame my creativity until it was literally bursting from my seams. I eat, drink and sleep creativity. No way to help it and finally, I don’t want to. This was the reason I decided to consciously come out of the closet with it. It is an existence or was an existence that does not have to be as painful as I let it be. That was due to my own conditioning and internalization of what I thought the world expected of me and what I thought I expected of myself. I ended up compartmentalizing my whole life into little shapes, then carry out what ever I was doing. All was great, except, I was exhausted!
There’s a better way. Though I thought I was already do this, I was only doing it as well as I was able to at the time, which was partially. Later I learned to develop my whole self, in everything I did. It took some courage, and some action, and I did it slowly. Tip for you, start integrating it today, now, no matter where you are in your life. The it could be anything. I was great at encouraging others to reach their potential and left my own in “conditioning” that if I had allowed it to, could have served me better. So, Tip, again, whatever it, or the it’s are, start today, and do not stop. If it’s music, (hint, my voice is my instrument), pursue it, not just encourage and support others, go for it yourself, you’ve been given permission. If it’s art (I convinced myself that only two of six kids, were artistic – I didn’t include myself – I am an Artist), pursue it, and don’t stop, you’ve been given permission. If it’s photography (I Love photography, creating it), start with your phone and go out and take some photos then post them up somewhere, you’re allowed to be a photographer). If you enjoy writing (how many half stories, and half poems do I have? That could be songs?) start writing, today, or better yet, collect all your old stuff and start sifting through it, then begin again, you are allowed. Sky. The Sky is the limit. Now we know Beyond the Sky is the Limit. Do not Sell Yourself Short because you’ve been conditioned. Okay, so what if you were, conditioned? You can de-condition yourself. A good book to get you on this path – it is a short, packed book called The Four Agreements By Don Miguel Ruiz, Using the Four Agreements to Master the Dream of Your Life, ’97.
This is a photo of the moon being enveloped by a cloud I took on November 30th, 2020, the night of the full moon I could not believe how amazing it looked!
Look up and start snapping. There’s so much more to see. I think it will unify us. 😉
“The Four Agreements, A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom, A Toltec Wisdom Book,” by Don Miguel Ruiz, 1997, by Amber-Allen Publishing in Rafael, California, is a book that was recommended to me by my brother some time ago. I have not stopped re-reading it since. Any time I feel lost or unsure, I recall The Agreement, usually the one that matches my situation. Over time, they emerge and become all a part of you, as they have been living there all along. The book is small, and significant and there’s a lot more where that came from.